We moved! Announcement coming soon...
Welcome to Los Alamos Makers!
Los Alamos' first community makerspace.
Get involved, join us or donate!
A 501 c 3 non-profit scientific and technical playground
for all ages and abilities,
an informal and inclusive vocational training center
and an idea-stage incubator for technical endeavors.
Get support for your technical projects
from basic woodworking to 3D printing, modern manufacturing and biotechnology.
Get access to events, classes, space, tools, equipment and 1-on-1 mentorship.
Get vocational training certified by digital badges (3D printing, laser, CNC, coding, Biolab technician, woodworking).
Test your ideas, share your skills, learn new skills and meet new people.
Contact us at Hello@losalamosmakers.org or send a text to (505)309-0561
Featured Maker:
- Request custom work
(3D printing and wood carvings)
- Request 1-on-1 instruction
- Attend free clubs and Meetups
- Attend classes and workshops
- Rent the space for private classes or events
- Participate in community events
- Get involved in our online forum and online Discord community
Note: Thanks to funding from the Los Alamos Community Foundation, some instructions are eligible for a New Collar Network Digital Badge certification.
Required non-member agreement form
Enjoy all the benefits of non-members +
- 24/7 access to the space
- Access to specialized software
- Access to our free tool lending library
- Technical help
- Discount on select classes and instructions
- Discount on space rental for private classes and events
- Bring guests
- Participate in our quarterly pizza party
Note: Before you purchase a membership, please contact us to get a tour, so we can chat and understand how we can best help.
Required member agreement form
Los Alamos Makers is part of the New Collar Network
Just search for "Los Alamos Makers"
What's a makerspace?
A Makerspace allows you to have access to space, tools, equipment, and expertise.
It's also a great networking opportunity.
"It's like a gym...but for your mind!" Jamie Leben
Why a makerspace?
Professional development at any age,
for any reason.
Bring your ideas to life!
Go ahead and try it
...you may discover a new passion in the process.
How to get involved:
- Make the space your own:
If you want to see something happening at the makerspace, let us know and help us make it happen. The space is yours!
- Volunteer (any skill is welcome)
- Sign up for a workshop or meetup
(1 month, 6 months or a year)
Check out our
"Membership" page here.
How it works:
We are an all-volunteer 501 c 3 non-profit organization.
Our goal is to fulfill our mission and serve the community, in a sustainable fashion. You can see why we do what we do here and how we do it below.
Free MeetUps and clubs
Our Co-op meetings are an innovative way to bring people with similar interests together, to share tips and tricks and help someone out in the process.
These events are free but if you would like to help support us, we welcome voluntary donations on site or on our website here.
Our current meetups and clubs: The weekly CoderDojo for kids 7 to 12; the weekly Raspberry Pi club; the sewing meetup; the woodworking meetup; the jewelry meetup. All of our clubs and meetups are now either remote or hybrid.
Walk-In and Day-Passes
You can just walk-in and seek assistance. If we can help, you can just get a $10 Day-Pass.
Our walk-in hours are now limited to Fridays 2 to 7PM and Saturdays 10.30AM to 3.30PM)...but if your project cannot wait, just shoot us an email, or open a chat on the website. We are always a click away.​
Introductory classes or 1-on-1 on-demand instruction
If you are new to a particular activity, our introductory classes are great.
No membership is required. You just pay for the class (usually around $20 to $30, but the price may vary depending on the cost of materials).
You can also request 1-on-1 special instruction, usually for a similar price depending on availability. Just email us at Hello@LosAlamosMakers.org.
Become a member
Members get an RFID badge that allows for 24/7 access to the shop.
If you love to tinker and want the ability to freely have access to the space and tools, you can become a member ($30 a month). Members are typically expected to be able to work safely and independently but obviously you can also benefit from help when needed.
Membership is also a great way to help support the Makerspace, even if just for one month.
If you have a skill you'd like to informally share, please let us know. You could help mentor someone for a particular project. Volunteering grants you a membership discount or free access to the space, depending on your involvement.
Rent a dedicated bench
If you need your own space within the makerspace, we also rent a couple of dedicated benches and a desk, with storage included.
Please inquire for availability.
If you want to teach a class and be paid to do so, you can charge for the class, you just need to provide your own materials. We just charge $5 per participant for the use of the space.
If you're not much of a DIY person, or just are in a hurry, you can submit an order (3D printing, sewing, laser engraving, laser cutting, computer design, graphic design, woodworking projects). Email your request to hello@losalamosmakers.org and we'll send you a quote and timeline. Our prices and quality are usually very competitive... and that way you also help support the makerspace.
"Library of Things" or Free Tool Lending program
This is our loaner program...currently only available to members, free of charge.
If you need a specific tool for a project but would rather work on it at home, you can check our list of available tools for rent. Fill out this form to let us know when and which tool you would like to borrow.
We are currently accepting donations of all kinds of items in working order. Your donation may be tax-deductible.
Walk-Ins are now only available by appointment on Friday or Saturday afternoons. You can:
- email us at Hello@LosAlamosMakers.org,
- text us at 505-309-0561
What does one do in a makerspace?
It is up to you!
The cardinal rule is "Safety".
As long as what you do is safe and legal, you can tinker and be creative.
Sewing, crafting, engineering, building or even DNA testing are a few examples.
Although it is not all about what tool or equipment is available, we have a growing list of tools available:
Sewing machines, prototyping tools, electronic testing equipment and molecular biology equipment.
For a more detailed list of equipment, please refer to our "Equipment" page.
The DIY community is growing and there are many ressources to help you get started and get you inspired. Here are a few:
- www.instructables.com (a personal favorite)
- Makerspace.com tips and inspiration
- Hobby Lobby workshops for the "craftiest" among us.
...there's a lot more...but that should at least get you started!
Creating can be lonely.
This is a unique opportunity for beginners and experienced tinkerers to learn from each other.
When a diverse group of people come together, great things can happen.
Check out our "Membership" page here.
Let’s be creative together!